Saturday, November 8, 2008

november rain

in my mind paris hilton takes down the memories of crane street
she erases the past and i was raised in manhattan
if chaos magick exists 
then let it exist where i fuck hot models in my youth
and then i grew up with manhattan
and was friends with nicole ritchie
paris fills in the blanks with nicole
and it all is working out splendidly 
im quite pleased
aww is this the fucking tv show of seeing where selling my soul will most inspire me at the end person 
the little nemo show
or the fucking losers from silver tiles fatty show 
(the other kid)
its all insert in my subconcious the magick i create in this is who i want you to make me
and see who i like best
and who i stick with
and who makes it to the finish line
but i know this
i just like this kid the most 
and clearly paris hilton and i win
b/c look @ what we create against their creation. 

our club is so much cooler. 
michael alig histories and seamen of the new lust 
yeah not so much buffy
more so slash 91 

little nemo

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