Friday, November 7, 2008

Little Nemo adventures in Nod

So I create a picture. And I recall at the Apple Store wanting a club after watching Party Monster. 
And I remember wanting to be the ultimate Party Kid. Wanting to be Peter Gatien. 
Because they wouldn't let me get girls and go to the show. 
And this is the premise of my life, create a world for other people create a bunch of fucking art work to get to the show to get girls. 
I remember going to the Limelight on T.K.'s birthday and thinking, if I owned this place I'd have fucking bands here every night. 
Now w/Paris Hilton we will fucking have hot ass bands and hot ass nights @ the club. 
Rave nights, club nights, the perfect mix. The pop heiress and the indy rock boy known as a Kurt Cobain. What other fucking perfect mixture would reopen the Limelight. 
And it's all impetus 44 from watching Party Monster. 

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