Saturday, November 8, 2008

moby moments

another new york city metropolitan area kid from another. 
Darien boy. 
Escaped to New York City. 
My good friend Moby. 
A link to the same period of time I was downloading Moby b-sides. 
In the same house I used to use this kid I hated. 
And it's the same house I watched Fight Club in that I keep referencing back into the back of my mind. 
It's the fucking kid that in the world of tim willis' religion he said the soul of pete's son went into that kid when got put me in this body. 
whatever the fuck. 
I just wanted to reference moby. 

little nemo 

ps- i remember the kid b/c melonie mondello dated satanic dan. and she was a bitch. 
she dumped tim because he was a lamefuck. 
just want to give credit due. 

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